"My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace"
Wednesday, June 27, 2007!
she wrote; Update The Updates
Okay, it's been a week since i blogged. So let me just give some random updates.
VJC CO DSA Audition:
Screwed up a bit, still waiting for the result.
Erm, yesterday was Physics and Chem. It was VERY productive. Hurhur. See, i finally am able to keep still for so long during Physics and Chem. I like ganging up with Amanda and arguing with Dominic about Physics.
Today was A. Maths. VERY VERY productive. Sat with Ka ching, Anna and Candy. I totally enjoyed the lesson firstly because i had fun doing the questions. Secondly, something funny happened that made me felt sooooooooo good. hurhur. ((:
Yeah, i finally played with Terence's Gatsby Rubber yesterday. Muahahahahahahahahaha! It smells nice and look gooey.
Today was rather an enjoyable day. Saw "Love under the canopy of pure white love", laughed at him as usual.
Mandie, Sheryl and i was totally laughing at people today. The low quality beyond hope trumpet, SUMO wrestler and the Clown. hurhur. The 3 of us had a exciting time when doing so charades with lots of exaggeration. Muahahahahaha. We are so mean!!! Bleah.
Anyway, I wanna eat Ben and Jerry's Ice cream and drink lots and lots of smoothies!! Only after Friday, cause we'll be taking our height and weight. I hope i didn't put on much wait over the holidays like, say, the "when marimba rythmn starts to play, dance with me, make me sway......"
Oh yes! Benny tjr is mean also! Muahahaha. You looking at the thing on the board or the thing writing on the board?
Hmm, oh and i realised some people smile funnily. hurhur. S & M, get what i mean?
Oh goosh! Tomorrow's CO practice is still 1915. Goodness gracious me!!! What about my homework and the free-writing Mrs Sum wants on the Friday?? I think i'm so gonna leave early. Anywya, Sharir tells stupid cold jokes.
Sunday, June 17, 2007!
she wrote; The boring O Holies
These days have been shopping and practising the pieces for the auditions. Sigh, i couldn't make up my mind which pieces to play. 16 bars of fast tempo and 16 bars of slow ones. My fingers are getting rough and the skin is tearing from all the practice. Argh.
Yesterday was Fathers' Day, i had dinner with my family and relatives. Then i went over to Aunt Clara's to visit her and Matthew. I played with Mukee (dog) too! Hehe!
(Mukee) ain't he adorable?Hmm, i miss Dad. He changed the date for the air tickets. Most importantly, he's coming home on Tuesday!! Yeah!!Anyway, below are just some random photos:
My Lolly bouquet! Previously promised by my cousin Melv and wrapped by his girlfriend, Jamie.
What cha want? ANYTHING or WHATEVER?
My cousin Zoey and I doing some photo whoring. x))
This is what happens when Mandie and Vanny gets too hungry. Posing beside this "No Entry" sign while waiting for Eddie's and the entire camp's return.
Well, my bad. I didn't know this.
This ain't my table! This is Mandie's "over-the-hills-and-far-away" table. She said she could find things better this way.
(From left to right): Vanny, Valerie and I at the toilet of HOGC!
Yeehaaa! The Vintage Tee i bought at Far East. Cute right?
My newly bought pair of flats! I love it! Go Flora!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007!
she wrote; HOGC; costume party
Today was simply great. Woke up super early at 0430 to send Daddy off to the Airport cause he is flying to china for a week. Sigh.. I miss him dearly!
Then i walked the dogs, got back and bathed as soons i could and went to meet Mandie at 1245. As you can guess, we were all LATE. hurhur. We travelled all the way to Plaza Singapura and had Mac for brunch. hurhur. (:
Then, met Valerie as she brought us to Heart Of God church.
The moment i stepped in, people was so high there larh!! They were celebrating Vivien's 14th Birthday. As i had to chance to say it to her, HAPPY BIRTHDAY VI! =B
We watched skits by Zone D and had some snacks to eat. I enjoyed them a lot! Haha..
Towards the end when a lady named Fifi gave the closure where she talked about the time where she first joined HOGC, dreams, the little fairy tales she had. I felt a sense of guilt. I had not been going to church for service for a long time.
I think i'm gonna make it a habit to. I miss worshipping and singing praise. I want to feel God once more.
Anyway, tomorrow is gonna be a long day cause i'm going shopping with Lys. YEAH! Miss her lots!! haha. ((: I love shopping!
M, i understand. Don't worry about it. :)
Monday, June 11, 2007!
she wrote; Absolute random-ness
I woke up early to walk the dogs this morning. I came back around 1000, bathed and went straight to Mandie's house. She was still asleep when i got there. hurhur, and duh! I woke her up.
After M bathed, we went down to Eddie's office, to get the CIP cert signed. Needless to say, i was OF COURSE bullied by him. AGAIN. UGH!! He gets on my nerves all the time, and his colleagues laughed too. Grrrrrr.
Anyway, after the most miserable 15 minutes in my life with Eddie, we went to 7/11, bought snapple and proceeded to the coffee shop to buy our brunch. yummy yummy!! (:
After brunch, i played with Victoria's ( a.k.a Vicky, Mandie's sister) PINK PSP. I was a total gadget-idiot. But hey! At least i improved right? hurhur.
Watched Kung Fu Hussle, ate chips and laughed our heads off.
Opps, i forgot to pinch Zacky. I've been wanted to do that long ago. Muahahahaha!!! x)
I left around 1800, took a bus home, walk more dogs and then bathed. My arms and legs are sooooooo sore! Ugh. All because of having to pull 5 dogs at the same time. Small they may be, but you'll be amazed at their strength. Today Pinky was new. He is a bordercollie. Brown and oh so adorable!! hurhur. I love dogs. Yeah!
My arms are so sore that it hurts when i lift my arms up to reply to people on MSN, let alone to master so much strength and courage to finish this entry. Mandie's arms are "sorer". I wonder if there's such a word. hmmmmmm. Imagine my situation, M's 10 times worser.
Yeah!!! I'm going to Heart Of God Church on Wednesday for a party. Anyone who wanna come tell me okay? Help spread God's teachings!!
Sunday, June 10, 2007!
she wrote; The 411
Oh my gosh! It's been days since i last blog. Argh, i must make it a habit to.
Well, i've been sick for the past few days. Grrr. I missed the invitation for the chalet thingy from the 6Cs. And i wanna strangle Shi wee for calling me at 2300, most importantly, i wanna kill BRIAN "Choked" Zhi Ming.
Sigh, i postponed the HICAL gathering. Don't really know if i've made the roght choice.. Hmm, well, it's rather last minute and i didn't really have time contacting the mentors, Imelda and Eddie.
EDDIE. The other one i wanna kill.
ARGH. But unfortunately. I still need to get him to endorse in the CIP certificate before Mrs Willman can enter it in for us. Maybe i'll kill him later.
So many things happened since the day i last blogged. The most memorable was CAMP SYNERGY!!!!!!!! Muahahahhahaha. It was sooooooooo cooooool! I smashed a water bomb on Chris and got most of the water on Mr Loh. Teased Eddie (as usual), got teased by Eddie (he's unforgivable making people greet me as "Auntie Lynn") They staged performances on the Finale night by the various groups Foxtroit, Alpha, Brave, Charlie and i-can't-remember-the-last-group.
It was funfunFUN!!! Grrr, Oh yes, i remembered being bullied. That Chinyang threw fruits on the grounds of the volleyball court at Mandie, Vanny and i. ARGH. He "splashed" wax on my leg. Oh and Terence did this massive ants "massacre" just outside the hall. Mandie and i was so freaked out by the army of ants crowding.
sigh.. All good things will come to an end. Camp Synergy made us miss Camp HI-CAL 2007. hurhur. I want camp!! That's it, i'm going back to CARE straight after my O'levels. hurhur. Camp line rawks!!
Eww, i hate Saw 3. It's so gross. I think only insane people like Terence would enjoy it. Amanda, i know you agree with me on that. hahahaha.
I've been watching animation like Sensei Negi, Mai otome and many many others. Just to past time off. My bill totally exceeded the budget. I've been talking on the phone for hours almost everyday to different people. But i like crapping with Mandie most. hurhur.
Right now i'm debating with terence if guys are really horny. See how ridiculous i can get? Embrace it. Fear it.
Ugh. I miss all my DARLINGS. Especially those that i rarely see. NANA, VANNY, CANDY, DINAH and FAAT, you're missed!!! Muacks honeys!