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♥The Lady

Love God; Love Life; Love people
Lynnie Lim;
Child of God

24th September 1991
16 going on seventeen

heart of God church;
Children Church Heartkids (CCH)

Articulate;verbal diarrhoea.

The LOVE of my life;

hoGc 2.0
Heart Of God Church
Choong Kai
Gabriel Lee
Hong Rui
Jie Ru
Nicholas Luo
Qian Qian
Wei Yin
Yi Wen
Zheng Hui
Zhi Lin

Pasir Ris Seondary


so yesterdays

October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009

"My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace"

Friday, September 26, 2008!
she wrote; Loved(:

I know i'm unwell and should be resting and stop being unproductive. But guess what i found in the letterbox today?

I was super excited. Being very careful, i peeled off the envelop.

I was shocked.

My guess was right! It's a card from Pastors. I felt like so much better already.
I love them! (:

Thursday, September 25, 2008!
she wrote; My Birthday 2

I was super happy yesterday despite being ill. My lovely classmates celebrated my birthday! The card was so adorable! The class bought me a shirt and sweets! Aww~ Hahahha. We celebrated Fleah's birthday too! We're twins. So, we sort of found out that we're 'surprising' each other! HAHAH! But i still felt very loved! (:

I was doodling in class yesterday. Think i'm gonna start studying soon. Like real soon.

This is my second birthday in heart of God church! YEAH! I wanna like have my 80th birthday in hoGc too! Hahaha. What a nice thought right? In another 63 years' time, i'll see a wrinkled Mu ying playing the guitar for me, and all my other wrinkled CEG mates singing the birthday song to me. HAHAHAHAH! I'm lovin' it!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008!
she wrote; Happy 'unwell' Birthday to me!

Well, for the past 5 days i've been running temperatures of 39.2-39.5, my body aching like crazy and i feel super unproductive.

Yes! I'm supposed to meet people, do really important stuff but it wasn't done.

Uncle Lee a.k.a Melvin Lee, my cousin (inside joke), called me at 2000 yesterday(tuesday) and wished me happy birthday! Haha. I was pretty touched but i hate to break it to him that he has got the wrong date. Hahahaha. He makes me laugh a lot.

Anyway, i'm glad that Fleah is getting well. I miss her!

Oh! My CEG mates totally made my day when they smsed their wishes to me! Haha. Imagine with me. You're having fever, whole body aching, trying to finish whatever that is piling up and then having to fight the drowsiness. But i felt so refreshed when i receieved those smses.

Dear Daddy Jesus,
Thank You so much for my family, my spiritual parents,
my leaders and my brother and sisters-in-Christ.
Lastly, thank you for creating me.

Friday, September 19, 2008!
she wrote; updates.

Well, 2 days ago, we celebrated Charleston's birthday in class. It was funfunfun. Somehow, i feel that our class is really loving and united.

We had our first Lecture at the new site on Wednesday and the whole place is soooooo pretty! Did i mention it to you that Koon Yew painted the place? It's really really good. And i can't accept the fact that i failed Art. Hahahaha.

I love my classmates!

Today, i feel like i'm 50-50 lazy and productive. Supposedly, i was going to church to STUDY. I was like behind my workplan. Cabbed down from home to Church and prepared Colin's 'motivation' for his exams. Haha.

Then, as i was about to start studying, people started talking to me on MSN. Hahaha. Needless to say, being lazy and all, i self-entertained myself, oblivious to the surroundings in church.

Ambassadors Meeting was great today. BLAST!

CG was absolutely power-packed! I learnt a lot from Jieru today. I need to grow in my Christian walk. I need to draw closer to God.

Absolute obedience.

OH! And stats exams are like 15 hours from now and i haven't started studying. My momma says i don't look as if i have exams tomorrow. Yeah!

It's 0353 in the morning, just finished planning my stuff and completing my work. I'm bored and sleepy but the hunger in my stomach keeps me awake. ARGH!

Monday, September 15, 2008!
she wrote; I will have no other gods before You

I will have no other gods before You

I will have no other gods before You
Only You will reign as my heart's King
I will have no other gods before You
I will put You first in everything

With all my heart
With all my soul
With all my might
I want to love You, Lord

she wrote; Be faithful; Be fruitful

This week was definitely power-packed! From CEG, to Staff and Leaders prayer meeting, to CCH and services! Non-stop action, I'm loving it!

Today, i went early for the Prayer meeting. I feel that my prayer life have up-ed another level! A faith-filled prayer move mountains!

Pastor How preached a very interesting Word today. For all of you who missed it, go get the sermon CD! I've learnt a lot today and I made a covenant at the altar. (:

Pastor Lia shared with us today that, 'Be faithful and you'll be fruitful..'
This is entirely true! The seeds are growing in my family.

Lord i give You my heart

This is my desire, to honour You
Lord with all my heart I worship You
all I have within me
I give You praise
all that I adore is in You


Lord I give You my heart
I give You my soul
I live for You alone
Every breath that I take
Every moment I'm awake
Lord have Your way in me

This is my desire, to honour You
Lord with all my heart I worship You
all I have within me
I give You praise
all that I adore is in You

Friday, September 12, 2008!
she wrote; CRANKED

Alright, for the past few days, i was super cranky. I was missing Vanny dearest, trying to get my head into Stats and just having to deal with all those things.

But after what Lynette preached during CEG today really blew me off. I literary flew to Sweden and back. Right. I was just using a metaphor.

I want to be a Spirit-Led person. And yes, breakthrough in my Spiritual life and finances.

After CEG, the entire CEG went to the reception and sign up for the Asia Conference 2008. I think we sort of terrified the receptionist. Hahaha! We were really auntie and really noisy.

Anyway, Jasmine, Zheng Hui, mosquito(Yi Wen) and i went to Long John's Silver to have our dinner and we're loving the salsa cheese! We talked about stuff in the Supernatural realm and just stuff and we laughed and laughed and laughed.

On the way back home, Zhengy, Jas and i was talking about the End Times. We even stood at the entrance of the MRT control station in the middle of all the attention. After everything, we felt the need to reach out more to our friends.

A brand new harvest, a brand new revival, all in His Name.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008!
she wrote; Dream

Well, i ever dreamt of having a house in Greece. Just by the sea.

Every morning, the refreshing smell of the sea breeze would greet me. Ain't it just beautiful to live there. Life seems kinda slow and nice over in Greece. (:

Monday, September 08, 2008!
she wrote; STRETCH

Last week was definitely week of stretch.

Yes! Besides school, there was Pasar Malam outing for Children's Church on Monday where i got to know the kids better and fellowshiped.

Thursday was Zone F's event- Heart Fest 2008! Some of the CCH teachers, Fung, Yo, Elaine, Gabriel, Qi Wei were there to help out. It was really the first time i was doing games alone and i've learnt a lot from Yo.

It was entirely different experience from doing games in CCH. The targetted group are now the Secondary school students. But i know i've had fun. Could you believe that within the short 15 minutes while the groups are at my station, we could share pretty lame jokes, fellowship and share about how exciting church is?

Truly, this is the generation.

On Saturday, it was CCH Pasar Malam weekend! And i acted as 'Miss AnnLynn' with Jollie as 'Jollie Sau'. We were suppose to be Aunties. I think i did pretty alright since it was my first time. And i learnt a lot of the 'auntie' habits from Elaine. I tell you, she's professional. GXT should scout her. hurhur.

I'm missing Children Church right now.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008!
she wrote; Cousins are love! <3

Monday was awesome! CCH had our very own Pasar Malam event! YEAH! Although there was only a small group of kids but the fellowship was strong which had brought me closer to the kids and them to us.

We played many games and i realised that i still could play Captain's Ball and Badminton. Muahahah! I totally need to exercise, lead a healthy lifestyle! (:

Before we end the event, we had a worship session. The presence of God was so thick that there was a peace and longing in my heart to pray more and more, breaking through in my spiritual life.

Rushed to school and had our stats test. It was surprisingly, easy. hurhur.

Anyway, today, my cousins, Lys, Zoey, Melvin, my little brother and i went to the Zoo!

It was so cool because i haven't visited the zoo ever since primary 4. Haha. We saw many animals and learnt a great deal. Now i know how to differentiate from a alligator and a crocodile and that a crocodile's tummy is the most acidic that it can even digest the bones of its prey. How amazing!

Later, Melvin drove us to Liang Seah to have our steamboat dinner!

Talked a lot with all of them today, including all the nonsciensical stuff. HAHA! And i realised that Melv is pretty nonsciensical huh!

I love my cousins. <<3